Australian Eight Ball Open Doubles Champions

Australian Eight Ball Open Doubles Champions
Year State Winner Runner Up State Host
2023 TAS Justin Stubbs Wayne Stubbs 5 2 Brent Read Greg Segal NSW NSW
2022 WA Luke Anglesey Nathan McMahon 6 5 Sarwan Naker .Dave Ewing SA AEBF
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2002 WA Ron Kelly Alan Brown . . Peter Watt Brent Read QLD AEBF
2001 SA Phil Reilly Emile Riera 5 2 Gregg Watt Damien Smith TAS AEBF
2000 SA Alec Evreniadis Phil Reilly . . Ben Vidot Paul Dickinson WA AEBF
1999 VIC Mark Williams Arthur Andonopoulos . . Alec Evreniadis Phil Reilly SA ACT
1998 TAS Gregg Watt Ricky Flood . . Alec Evreniadis Phil Reilly SA TAS
1997 SA Alec Evreniadis Phil Reilly . . Daryl Jenkins David Collins VIC VIC
1996 QLD Steve Hogan Mick Macri . . Phil Bailey Rusty Cheshire NSW NT
1995 SA Shane Torchio Chris Lilly . . John Howson Val Hofferts VIC WA
1994 QLD Peter Watt Mick Macri . . Shane Griffin Travis Crawley NT QLD
1993 QLD Peter Watt Dean McDonald . . Alec Evreniadis Colin Laoutaris SA NSW
1992 WA Kelvin Lee Tony Westbrook . . Steve Lees Danny Higgins QLD SA
1991 VIC Ben Vidot Craig Davis . . Sam Macri Brian Budd NSW ACT
1990 QLD Steve Hogan Mick Macri . . Michael Hodgetts Gary Burns TAS TAS
1989 QLD Steve Hogan Mick Macri . . Jack Halligan Gordon Whittaker WA VIC
1988 NSW Mike Heka Risto Barzovski . . Mick Macri Steve Lohmann QLD NT
1987 WA Jack Halligan Gordon Whittaker . . Barry Smith Steve Bird NSW WA
1986 SA Steve Seebohm John Kendle . . Daryl Jenkins Peter Nelson VIC QLD
1985 WA Jack Halligan Avelino Defreitas . . Len Stein Steve Lees QLD SA
1984 VIC John Howson Tom Young . . Tony Sladek Robbie Savage NT TAS
2018 AEBF Womens Rankings

AEBF Australian Rankings – retired 2020


The ranking system is made up of 3 components. The first is a player’s win/loss percentage in the teams event at the National Championships. The second is rankings points awarded to those who competed in the Singles event and the third is rankings points awarded to those players who competed in the Doubles event. (Doubles no longer played)


Rankings points for the teams event are awarded on a player’s win/loss percentage. The players are sorted first by the number of frames won and then by their win/loss percentage. The reason for sorting on the number of frames won first, and not solely on the win/loss percentage, is to avoid the situation of a player getting more rankings points for only playing 3 frames at a Nationals and winning all 3, than a player who played 24 and won 20,

  • Once the players are sorted, rankings points are awarded in the following manner:
  • TOP 10% of TOTAL players (1 ? 10%) Their win/loss percentage of 450 points
  • 2nd 10% of TOTAL players (11 ? 20%) Their win/loss percentage of 400 points
  • 3rd 10% of TOTAL players (21 ? 30%) Their win/loss percentage of 350 points
  • 4th 10% of TOTAL players (31 ? 40%) Their win/loss percentage of 300 points
  • 5th 10% of TOTAL players (41 ? 50%) Their win/loss percentage of 250 points
  • 6th 10% of TOTAL players (5 1 ? 60%) Their win/loss percentage of 200 points
  • 7th 10% of TOTAL players (61 ? 70%) Their win/loss percentage of 150 points
  • 8th 10% of TOTAL players (71 ? 80%) Their win/loss percentage of 100 points
  • 9th 10% of TOTAL players (81 ? 90%) Their win/loss percentage of 50 points
  • LAST 10% of TOTAL players (91 ? 100%) Their win/loss percentage of 25 points

The rankings points are accumulated over the previous four (4) National Championships with the most recent Championships being worth 100% of their value, two years past worth 75% of their value, 3 years 50 % and 4 years 25%.
If the format goes to 3 years then the percentage applied would be 33.33% and 66.66% respectively.
If the five year format is adopted then the percentage would be 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% respectively.



2020 Australia Cup

Monday 15th June to Saturday 20th June 2020.
Teams may enter via their State/Territory Federation.
Division City: 16 teams of 6 players + ump & tm.
Division Country: 16 teams of 6 players + ump & tm.
* 1 or more player/s must be female.
Yes the ump & tm can play in the team fixtures.
1st March – submit your expression of interest.
1st April – team nominations required
1st May – all teams locked in + any vacancies filled.


event cancelled