Australian Eight Ball Federation

aebf australian eight ball federation committee

Australian Eight Ball Federation Committee

Australian Eight Ball Federation Committee (AEBF)

The Executive Committee (2 year term)

  • President
    Vice President

The Development Committee (2 year term)

  • Media Officer
    Junior Development Officer
    Promotional Coordinator
    Rules and Umpiring
    Coaching Director
    Tournament Director
    Host President

1 Year Term – Junior Host State President and Senior Host State President to be elected each year on the Development Committee. Junior Host President term will commence at the AGM and conclude at the annual Delegates meeting. Senior Host Presidents term will commence at the annual delegates meeting and conclude at the AGM.


Person: Travis Crawley
Position: President
Member of the Executive Committee
Home State/Territory: NSW

Elected: 2020-2022, 2022-2024

13.1 The President shall oversee the operations of the Executive Committee. To chair all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Australian Committee. To represent the Federation at functions. To prepare and submit bi-monthly reports of the operations of the Executive Committee to Member Associations and to liaise with Member Associations and outside parties on behalf of the Federation. To ensure that Federation business is conducted in accordance with the Constitution, the By-Laws and any Executive Committee directives.

Vice President

Person: Sawan Naker
Position: Vice President
Member of the Executive Committee
Home State/Territory: SA

Elected: 2021-2023

13.2 The Vice President shall act as President in the absence of the President. To ensure that a Federation Development Plan is developed, updated and revised as necessary, and implemented.


Person: Mark McAleer
Position: Secretary
Member of the Executive Committee
Home State/Territory: QLD

Elected: 2020-2022, 2022-2024

13.3 The Secretary shall keep proper minutes of the proceedings of all Executive Committee and Australian Committee Meetings. To keep master copies of the Constitution and By-Laws and amend these in accordance with successful motions at Australian Committee Meetings. To assist in the preparation of other literature deemed necessary by the Executive Committee. To create and maintain, under strict security, a Members Register detailing the personal information of all members of the Association.


Person: Melissa Crawley
Position: Treasurer
Member of the Executive Committee
Home State/Territory: NSW

Elected: 2020-2022, 2022-2024

13.4 The Treasurer shall control all monies payable to and by the Federation. To maintain a Federation bank account. To ensure that a financial report is included in each President’s bi-monthly report. To ensure that the payment of all Membership and Registration fees due for a competition or tournament are paid. To ensure that the annual financial statements are properly audited and presented to the AGM.


Person: Vacant
Position: Administrator
Member of the Executive Committee
Home State/Territory:

Elected: 2022-2024

13.5 The Administrator shall liaise and coordinate with the President and Secretary in all activities of the Federation in accordance with this Constitution. To maintain and update the Constitution, By-Laws, member protection policy, and all other policies present and future adopted and implemented by the Federation.

Junior Development

Person: Kelvin Lee
Position: Junior Development
Member of the Development Committee
Home State/Territory: South Australia

Elected: 2022-2024

14.2 The Junior Development Officer shall implement junior development initiatives as outlined in the Development Plan.


Person: Gregg Dingle
Position: Coaching Director
Member of the Development Committee
Home State/Territory: QLD

Elected 2009-2010, 2010-2012, 2012-2014, 2014-2016, 2018-2020, 2022-2024

14.4 The Coaching Director shall implement coaching development initiatives as outlined in the Development Plan.

Media Officer

Person: Media
Position: Media
Member of the Development Committee
Home State/Territory:

14.1 The Media Officer shall coordinate the “Live Streaming” of AEBF Championships/Events, updating the AEBF Website regularly as well as the AEBF Facebook page and enforcing the AEBF Social Media Policy. To promote our sport to television, print media and radio outlets including sending out media releases advising of events/championships prior to and during the event and liaising with these media outlets. To ensure that the Federation receives the maximum positive media exposure.


Person: PR
Position: Promotional Coordinator
Member of the Development Committee
Home State/Territory:

14.6 The Promotional Coordinator shall instigate, or assist other members of the Executive Committee with, promotions, fundraising and sponsorship proposals.

Tournament Director

Person: Mark McAleer
Position: Tournament Director
Member of the Development Committee
Home State/Territory: QLD

14.7 The Tournament Director shall formulate and administer all competitions and tournaments approved by the Executive Committee, on behalf of the Federation. To maintain and administer the Australian Rankings. To obtain and correlate all results pertaining to any tournaments and competitions run by the Federation, on behalf of the Federation. To ensure that all results and tables are publicised via the Federation website and other means.

Host President

Person: Travis Crawley
Position: Host President
Member of the Development Committee
Home State/Territory: AEBF

14.5 The Host President shall keep the Executive Committee and Member Associations informed of that State’s progress towards hosting the Australian Championships. To liaise with the Tournament Director on all matters pertaining to the Australian Championships.

2020 AEBF Committee

2020 Annual General Meeting – 2020 AEBF Committee Elected Officers

Dear Australian Eight Ball Federation Members,

The 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Australian Eight Ball Federation was held on Saturday. It was very reassuring to see so many skilled and experienced people willing to fill the positions vacated by the outgoing 2019 committee members. We had an exciting day on the calendar which saw healthy competition for many of the vacated positions.

We are pleased to announce the following officers on the Executive and Development Committee:

Executive Committee

President: Travis Crawley
Vice President: Sawan Naker
Secretary: Mark McAleer
Treasurer: Melissa Crawley
Administrator: Scott Henderson

Development Committee

Coaching Director: Gregg Dingle
Junior Development Officer: Chris Jeffery
Media Officer: Drew McGrath
Promotional Coordinator: Drew McGrath
Rules & Umpires Director: Gregg Dingle
Tournament Director: Mark McAleer

Congratulations to everyone on their appointment to the committee, and good luck in your role for the year ahead. This team brings a wealth of experience in many areas, which will see the sport move forward in leaps and bounds over the next term. With a mixture of current national players and individuals with specialised skills, our mindset is to produce the best game possible for all of our members around the country. Increasing opportunities for members will be one of our main goals, and this team is focused on bringing the game to the forefront of Australian sport. The future of Eight Ball in Australia is bright!

In moving forward, we would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of the outgoing committee members, Greg Costello, Tracy Butterworth and Paul Thorn. The huge amount of passion and commitment exhibited by these individuals has been invaluable to Eight ball in Australia, and the sport is in a better place because of your efforts. Thank you for your dedication to bring the Australian Eight Ball Federation to where it is now, and we wish you well in your endeavours.

Kind regards,

Mark McAleer | Secretary

For and on behalf of the Australian Eight Ball Federation (AEBF)