2010 Australian 8 Ball Junior Championships

Tasmania will host the 2010 Juniors in March.

The 2010 Australian Junior Championships to be held in Hobart from Sunday March 7th to Saturday March 13th 2009.

Please contact Cyril Triffitt – 0407 870 306 (Eightball Tasmania Junior Development Officer) if more information is required.

Venue: Glenorchy Football Club

Accomodation: TBA

Member States / Territories,

Please find below information for the 2010 Australian Junior Championships, please contact either myself or Cyril Triffitt if you require any further information at this stage

Cyril is hoping to do photos of all the players in the program book the same as 2002 and would like this information by no later than the end of January, please advise if this will not be possible, the size of the photo should be of a responsible size for print quality for the book

Photos can be emailed to Cyril and please also Cc to the AEBF secretary so we can include on the AEBF web site ( I will forward you disclaimers for the use of the photos on the AEBF web site in the coming week, naturally if the child / parents do not want the photo displayed on the AEBF web site and AEBF Junior web site they do not need to participate, but it would be hoped that all States / Territories and players would be represented

Cyril Triffitt – cyriltwo@ozemail.com.au

Andrew Saltmarsh –  secretary@aebf.com.au       secretary@eightballtasmania.com.au


Andrew Saltmarsh

Eightball Tasmania Secretary

AEBF Secretary