Canberra is all go in 2012

Juniors 2012

The ACT Eightball Association (ACTEBA) is happy to invite the State and Territory representatives to attend the 2012 AEBF Junior Nationals 15-21 January 2012.

The event will be hosted at the Harmonie German Club Canberra ( The Harmonie Club is located in Narrabundah, and is a 15-20 min journey from the airport. While the club is licensed they areas for Junior play will be alcohol free.

The Harmonie Club will also host the presentation night dinner. Final details have not been confirmed but is expected that the cost for tickets will be  ~$30 (but this is to be confirmed) . This will be confirmed as soon as possible.

There are several accommodation options within walking distance of the Harmonie Club. These include various accommodation styles from bunk rooms through to self-contained units. The longest walking distance includes crossing of a major thoroughfare but pedestrian lights are available. : Time to venue < 2 min, distance: < 200m : Time to venue < 10 min, distance: < 1km Time to venue < 1 min, distance: < 100m

ACTEBA has not arranged any formal agreement with any venue. Googlemaps provides excellent idea for the location of the venue relative to the accommodation.

For those not familiar with Canberra climate January has an average max temp of 28.5C with a high UV content. All major attractions will be open, and travel to the Parliamentary Triangle is straightforward with Public transport accessible from all the locations listed in this email. At this time ACTEBA intends the schedule will allow opportunities for free time to take advantage of Canberra National attractions. More information can be found here

Unfortunately due to time constraints ACTEBA is unable to provide any assistance with arranging accommodation. We can provide details on other accommodation options within short travel time should this be required.

Please contact me if you require any further information.