Our 33rd National Titles, is a wonderful achievement for all our States, Territory member Associations and players. Thank you on your continued promotion of the game and grand support of this event.

In particular thank you to Eight-Ball Tasmania Committee for the great work to host these Championships at this wonderful venue in Launceston once again.

Congratulations to all competitors on your great achievement to excel in your State or Territory to enable you to participate at these Nationals.  I hope you have a great Championship, perform to the best of your ability and take many memorable moments from the experience.

We are very fortunate that once again this year the AEBF will live stream during these entire Championships giving people the opportunity to enjoy the event from where ever they might be on the worldwide web.

The AEBF is very proud that this year at the World Championships in Blackpool England Australia enjoyed massive success winning four World Titles, Matthew Curwood Junior Singles World Champion, Junior Team World Champions, Women’s Team World Champions, and Men’s Team World Champions. Also from Tasmania Wayne Stubbs who won the prestigious event Over 50s World Masters Title.

Many of these current World Champions are participating at these Titles, hence we can boast that these Australian Nationals for 2016 have some of the best players in the World participating.
We acknowledge and are most grateful to our major sponsor Consolidated Leisure and Sports. They have been principal supporters over many years both to these National Titles and to the Australian team travelling abroad.

Consolidated Leisure and Sports market product under the brand name Mitchell, they supply the Aramith balls, Strachan cloth and Trueline Tables, all being used at these Nationals.

To the management of Country Club Tasmania we thank you for the co-operation and assistance in preparation for this event.

To all local sponsors including Country Club Tasmania thank you for your contribution, you have played a very important role in ensuring that this event takes place.

Thanks to my AEBF Executive, to all administrators and officials from your respective States and Territories, for the time, energy and passion you give to the game throughout the year.

I invite each and every one of you to enjoy these 2016 Australian Eight-ball Championships in Launceston Tasmania.

President: – Australian Eight-Ball Federation