Australian Eight Ball Federation

2018 AEBF Womens Rankings

AEBF Australian Rankings – retired 2020


The ranking system is made up of 3 components. The first is a player’s win/loss percentage in the teams event at the National Championships. The second is rankings points awarded to those who competed in the Singles event and the third is rankings points awarded to those players who competed in the Doubles event. (Doubles no longer played)


Rankings points for the teams event are awarded on a player’s win/loss percentage. The players are sorted first by the number of frames won and then by their win/loss percentage. The reason for sorting on the number of frames won first, and not solely on the win/loss percentage, is to avoid the situation of a player getting more rankings points for only playing 3 frames at a Nationals and winning all 3, than a player who played 24 and won 20,

  • Once the players are sorted, rankings points are awarded in the following manner:
  • TOP 10% of TOTAL players (1 ? 10%) Their win/loss percentage of 450 points
  • 2nd 10% of TOTAL players (11 ? 20%) Their win/loss percentage of 400 points
  • 3rd 10% of TOTAL players (21 ? 30%) Their win/loss percentage of 350 points
  • 4th 10% of TOTAL players (31 ? 40%) Their win/loss percentage of 300 points
  • 5th 10% of TOTAL players (41 ? 50%) Their win/loss percentage of 250 points
  • 6th 10% of TOTAL players (5 1 ? 60%) Their win/loss percentage of 200 points
  • 7th 10% of TOTAL players (61 ? 70%) Their win/loss percentage of 150 points
  • 8th 10% of TOTAL players (71 ? 80%) Their win/loss percentage of 100 points
  • 9th 10% of TOTAL players (81 ? 90%) Their win/loss percentage of 50 points
  • LAST 10% of TOTAL players (91 ? 100%) Their win/loss percentage of 25 points

The rankings points are accumulated over the previous four (4) National Championships with the most recent Championships being worth 100% of their value, two years past worth 75% of their value, 3 years 50 % and 4 years 25%.
If the format goes to 3 years then the percentage applied would be 33.33% and 66.66% respectively.
If the five year format is adopted then the percentage would be 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% respectively.