Australian Eight Ball Federation

2003 Australian 8 Ball Junior Championships

Australian Eight-Ball Federation President's Message

On behalf of the Australian Eight-ball Federation and the Executive Committee, I welcome all competitors and
officials to Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre for the 2003 Junior Australian Eight-ball Championships.

Each year I look forward. to this event as new young talent rises to National recognition. The Australian
Junior Team will be selected and five under 18 players wi11travel to The Junior World Titles in Blackpool
England in May 2003. This has become an integral part for the development of our elite young. players,
becoming future Champions.

At these Championships we can expect to enjoy enthusiasm and great sportsmanship which is always
pleasing to see in junior sports. Who wiIJ emerge as our 2003 Australian champions, which five players will
earn the green blazer to represent Australia, and have a chance at becoming World Eight-ball Junior
Champion as an individual or in the team event. Young Australians qualifying from these Nationals in the
past have done Australia proud, resulting in:-

Mathew Franceschini  W.A. – Winner of the World Junior 1995 title
Ben Crawley  N.T.-  Winner of the World Junior 1996 title
Mark Warry  S.A. – Runner-up 1996 and 1997
Our Australian Junior Team – Winners 1997 – Runner up 1998, 1999 and 2000

Congratulations to all competitors on your achievement to represent your State or Territory, and in particular
the under J 2's and anyone about to experience their first taste of National competition.

Special thanks to your parents, coaches and administrators from around Australia, who make great sacrifices
to assist you with your endeavours to achieve your goals playing this wonderful sport ofeight-ballvThis
event would not be possible without the contribution of time and devotion by some special people. I take
this opportunity to thank:-

Our hosts this year, Pool Victoria Committee, president Don Colbert, and in particular Secretary Sue

To our AEBF Junior Development Officer Heather Zappia, the championships being in her home state
this year, she has made a special effort to ensure their success.

Our major National Sponsor Consolidated Leisure and Sports; suppliers of the Mitchell Pool cloth and
Aramith bans which will be used throughout these titles.

And specific to these titles, Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre, for giving our sport the opportunity to .»
be here and gain valuable public exposure, George Taylor, Alcock Thompson Taylor 150 years in
business providing the excellent competition tables, Chris Jolly, Workforce Financial Advisors and
Santo Zappia for their special contribution, sincere thanks.

To all Junior competitors good luck, and along with supporters and officials, please enjoy the 2003
Australian Junior Eight ball Titles in Victoria.

PRESIDENT – World Eight-ball Pool Federation – Australian Eight-ball Federation