Consolidated Leisure & Sport

Consolidated Leisure & Sport

Consolidated Leisure & Sport

Consolidated Leisure & Sport

It’s with great pleasure that I would like to extend a warm & inviting welcome on behalf of the Australian Eight Ball Federation, Executive Committee and Life Members, to the 36th Australian Eight Ball Championships, again held at the wonderful Commercial Club Albury.

It is a great honour to be a part of this prestigious event with all States and Territories from around Australia supporting and representing our great sport.

I would like to congratulate all competitors on your outstanding achievements that have led you to this very moment. You should all be extremely proud, and I wish you all the very best. Regardless of the results from this year’s event, one thing you will all take home is fond memories & wonderful moments from this experience.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all Team Managers and Associations in advance for your role in ensuring a smooth transition throughout this prestigious event.

We again are pleased to announce that matches will be lived streamed in the new arena thanks to Cueball TV, enabling family, friends and supporters of your State team to enjoy the live coverage of Australia’s most competitive & prestigious event.

This year we are introducing a new event, the 2019 Australia Eight-Ball Federation Plate. This is a non-ranking event designed to enable all players a great chance to warm up their skills on the first day and an opportunity to showcase some of the local Albury talent as well.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank and acknowledge our Major Sponsors:

1.    Consolidated Leisure and Sports who market products under the brand name Mitchell Billiards.
They have kindly supplied the Aramith balls and Strachan Cloth being used here at our National Tournament.
2.    The Commercial Club for providing us with this amazing venue and the facilities to be able to host this event.
3.    Quest Albury & Quest Albury on Townsend for the amazing accommodation and facilities

To all the major, minor and local Sponsors, we thank you for your continued support and contribution to ensure this event can take place.

And lastly, a very special thanks must go to our Executive Committee and State Delegates for the extraordinary work they have done behind the scenes to make the 36th Eightball National Titles the best yet. Events such as these would not be possible without your dedication, passion and the love you give to the game and our members throughout the year.

I would like to wish each and every one of you the very best. It is now your time to shine.

President – Australian Eight Ball Federation