Australian Eight Ball Federation

World Championships – Blackpool 2018 – Info

WEPF are changing the format for next year (2018) in order to streamline the Worlds, this was agreed by the nations at this years event, and will be confirmed in writing from Alan as stated above.
1.       Wednesday 20th June, start of the Mens World Singles, to be continued on 21st.

2.       Friday 22nd June, start of the Masters, to be completed on 23rd/early 24th.

3.       The Ladies and Seniors Masters will start on Saturday 23rd and complete on 24th.

4.       The A.G.M. will be on Saturday 23rd.

5.       The Opening ceremony on Sunday 24th

6.       Most of the other events will start on Sunday 24th and Finals day on Friday 29th for all sections. Juniors/Wheelchair will start 25th or 26th

7.       The presentation of all trophies will be at the Banquet on Friday 29th. We had this format at this years Europeans with over 400 in attendance, a great presentation.

All of the above is subject to number of entries from the member countries but we would not expect the schedule to change much.

One of the big benefits to the above format is that the Mens World and Masters events will be held first, starting on the Weds.

All other sections will not be involved until the Saturday or later which reduces substantially the number of days people have to be in attendance.